Custom Designs For Custom Lives
So much stuff is cookie cutter these days. But people are unique.
We build creations that reflect that character. Weird. Wonderful. Wild. Memorable.
From custom hot rods and custom motorbikes, to handmade furniture, vintage collectables and other oddities, it’s all geared to project personality.

Who The F*ck Is Bennetts Customs Co?

Who The F*ck Is Bennetts Customs Co?

Who The F*ck Is Bennetts Customs Co?

Who The F*ck Is Bennetts Customs Co?

Who The F*ck Is Bennetts Customs Co?

Who The F*ck Is Bennetts Customs Co?

Who The F*ck Is Bennetts Customs Co?

Who The F*ck Is Bennetts Customs Co?

Who The F*ck Is Bennetts Customs Co?

Who The F*ck Is Bennetts Customs Co?
Jordan Bennett
Is a Canadian implant who grew up in a small hot rod town that’s eerily similar to Dunsborough. His youth was spent customising anything from peddle bikes to vintage Hot Rods, really, an obsession with anything old and unique. That tinkering eventually led to a career in Vancouver.
When Jordan landed in Oz, he knew he’d found his new home and set up a business that would let him do what he loved each day. Jordan is all about building a sense of community that celebrates a vintage lifestyle.

Ben Stratton
Ben grew up in the Southwest of WA, surfing, riding motorbikes and playing football. He moved to Melbourne to play AFL, but was eventually drawn home to start a family and begin the next adventure.
Ben met Jordan when he wanted to customise a motorbike he’d bought, but didn’t know where to start. It became clear pretty quickly that he’d met a kindred dickhead that shared Ben’s sense of humour and style. The bond grew and the pair decided to grow Bennett’s Customs into something that would bring their unique sense of fun to others.
There’s plenty more you can read about Ben online, none of which is particularly relevant. Best to just pop in and say g’day to see what creation he’s working on at the moment.