Red Dust Revival 2022 - Kalgoorlie, Western Australia

Posted on January 24 2024

Post Perkolilli blues. The idea of building a car from scratch started with an old rusty cowl and a few beers. The idea quickly became a reality when the dates were set for the Red Dust Revival 2022. Long days and longer nights grew as we were fast approaching the date to pack up and start the drive to Kalgoorlie. Happy to say, we made it in one piece, had a lifetime experience, meeting life long friends, and all made it home safely. 


This Event dates back to the first official race in 1914 at Australia’s oldest racetrack on the clay pan 43km Northeast of Kalgoorlie. The last race was in 1939 and was resurrected back in 1997 by a small group of motor enthusiasts. These guys have carried the torch and have given us the opportunity to experience the magical place of Lake Perkolilli.


Over the 10 days we spent in the rest dust we got to witness pre was cars and bikes race around the 3.2km track at speed we didn’t fathom. Jordan’s race car broke over 100mph on the safety of the track. The community of like-minded people made it easy to diagnose and fix problems with everyone wanting the same outcome and that was to make two consecutive passes around the dry lake. Josh Ball images did a great job capturing the moments that were displayed.